This lovely project was inspired by the collection of a drawings, models, patterns, shapes, colours etc. by wonderful illustrator Rob Dunlavey, called the ‘Crystal Cities’. It took a whole half term to create it but the results are magical and kids absolutely loved the whole process of making it. For the main structure of the cities we used a 3mm A3 white card, on which children drew all of the elements of their magic imaginary places. As a rule, we tried to use only the complementary colours, but further we got into the project that rule got broken…of course always for the best! The Felt-tips, Sharpies and the colour pencils were our main materials. Once all was drawn and coloured in I cut it with the cutting knife. For the base on which we glued our cities on to, we used some of my old foam core that was laying about…not the best for the environment as we know it, but hopefully these sculptures will be displayed and admired for the long long time to come 😉